360 Walk Throughs – Slideshow of still photos

Virtual tour is a replica of the existing location or property that allows you to walk through the interiors and exteriors of a property virtually. It is usually composed of videos, graphics, texts, still images, narration, sound effects etc. It’s a full motion video that allows you to navigate through the location, as if you are actually walking through it.

360 Walk Throughs

360 Walk Throughs

360 virtual tour is the best way to highlight the interior and exterior of a property. Many companies have now started using this technology for the promotion of their sites, for better advertisements. The common business sectors that usually use the Virtual tour technology are usually the Real Estates, Property Consultants and Hoteliers etc. The basic idea is to make your website a lot more attractive and engaging.


360 DegreeVirtual tours stands out in the race of technology due to the following reasons:
·   The company can show the facilities that they provide in a better and clearer manner.
·    Virtual tour helps to attract the customer which in result helps in better advertisement of the company and its website
·    The chances of customer fear of unknown, doubts, confusions are lowered as the walk through allows you to navigate in and out of the property very precisely.
·     This is the latest technology tool that allows a customer to save time and fuel as with the help of this technology you can sit at your home and look for properties and locations without even wasting a drop of fuel. This has been made possible only because of the precision that Virtual tour provides you with.
·      For a construction company, it plays a pivotal role in showing the future vision to the customer who cannot afford to visit the site.
360 Degree virtual Tours

360 Degree virtual Tours

This technology has features as stated below:
·      High Definition quality
·      Slideshow of still photos
·      Mapping
·      Custom designed interface for a unique experience
·      Logo, ad , video can be easily displayed
·      Highlighting of any object for showing its brand value can be done
·      Has numerous themes  that can match according to your demands
·      Linked arrows for navigation
·      Sound tracks, voiceovers
·      Info points, pop-ups to provide more information
·      Reliable and cost effective
The above features have made 360 walk throughs tool the most called for tool in the business sector.
Modes of creating a virtual tour are as follows:
·      Stitching photographs
·      Video-based virtual tours
·      Specialized software
The current scenario is an era of tech-savvy people, where one is totally dependent on the technology. And with the increase in the involvement of technology, the market allows you to use the benefits of these technologies. Similarly, 360 degree Virtual tour is used extensively in the following areas:
·      The virtual tour technology is extensively used in universities
·      Widely used in real estate industry
·      Helps in marketing
 It is rightly said that Virtual reality is the first step to a grand adventure into the landscape of imagination. On of commercial 360 virtual tool example are:

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